Small Group Courses

Host an online study on these topics of inner healing, with your group of 8 or more. You can have a private class or open it to the larger SunodĂ­a community. Seminars are for a single day. Courses span more than one week. See details for each class.


One-day seminars

Understanding God's Design

God gave you a lens through which you look at life. Learn about your redemptive gift, and how God designed you to connect with others.

Healing Trauma

Practical ways to heal from the ongoing effects of trauma.

Pathways to Marriage: for single women

If you are wanting to be married, but see only roadblocks, this packed one-day seminar will give you practical pathways around those obstacles. You'll learn how to move toward marriage with a healthy inner life.

Pathways in Marriage: for married women

This class is similar to the class for single women, but covers the obstacles faced within marriage.


4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice (4 weeks)

Find deeper intimacy with God when you learn how to hear Him speaking directly to you. Each week covers a different method of hearing from God.

Journey Points (8 weeks)

In our faith walk, we sometimes get stuck at points along the way. Stuck in unforgiveness, or shame, or anger. Learn how to get unstuck and live a life of freedom and wholeness.Â